Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sea Foam Green Lava is Never Good...

Interesting title. I could start this story out with so many ways...for instance I could take the old SCA approach of "No sh*t, there I was!". Or I could start out with Once upon a time, but that would put the reader in to a fantasy thought, and this is definitely no fantasy. I could even go with "well, we'd been drinking"...because it's almost fitting, except for I wasn't drinking when it happened...thank goodness for that one. So, how bout a small amount of back story leading up to this interesting event of terror...

Well, Monday started out as a really good day. Took wifey's car to get the oil changed, and then got to hang out with my buddy Frank some on our quest for gainful employment and picking up a few caches along the way. So, took the car to the wifey at her work place and changed out for the Hammer mobile and as I was getting ready to leave, Joan and the kids came by. Long story short, got to hang out with them for a bit, and had the boy talk to Marisol, a nice young lady that works with wifey, so he could work on one of his scout awards for meeting someone from another country. Anyway, came home and got ready for scouts. Most of the day, wifey was having problems with being able to breathe; this time of year with it's so pretty out, and the evil pollen spans are flying rampant, it messes her up pretty roughly.

So last night we came home from scouts and wifey was in even a worse mood, still breathing troubles, headache, and general grouchiness, causing her to snap at me and maybe she didn't realize it, but it hurt my feelings a bit and even made me want to retire early. I didn't sleep too well, way too much on my mind. Not sure when she came to bed, but she didn't sleep very much at all due to headache and sinuses, etc.

So, this morning, I arose ( I won't say I awoke because for one to awake, I think they must be able to truly say they were asleep first, and I don't think either of us did that...), with some thought to try and help wifey out in some way knowing she has to work today and still having her lack of breathing problems.

So I thought maybe if I get a nice pot of hot boiling water for her to inhale the steam from. And then I remembered I had one of the Shower Soother tabs left...(for those who know not what a "shower soother" is, check out the link... http://www.strangenewproducts.com/2005/10/sudacare-shower-soothers-vaporizing.html )
With a new plan forming, I put on the pot of water and brought it to a boil. I found the Shower Soother tab of impending Doom (I say impending because I had no idea what I was about to unleash...)
The water is getting to a good boil, the steam is rising perfectly, just as I wanted it to. So I pull the package open, and drop the soother tablet in to it. Instantly as the tablet hits the water it starts bubbling madly! The foaming water rises to the top of the pot and starts bubbling over...my reflexes spring in to action! I jump over and lift the pot off the heating eye on the stove, so now I'm holding a boiling pot of Sea Foam green lava...trying to figure out what I'm going to do, and I have no idea...

I turn the stove eye off and hold the pot of death over the sink and hope that the foam will die down eventually...who knew that the shower soothers were like Alka Seltzers?? Not I said the perplexed man...so anyway, it finally dies down and I turn to take the pot in to the bedroom for wifey to inhale the fumes. The few steps it takes me my eyes start watering, my sinuses clear, and I almost start coughing. That's good stuff man!!

So finally after getting it in to the bedroom and setting it on the floor on a burn proof board for wifey to inhale the fumes I let he know about it and go back in to clean up the mess...
Afterwards I go back in and check on her, she says it helps some. 20 minutes later, she sounds like she's actually sleeping peacefully...So, with a few moments of terror from being engulfed with Seam Foam lava with a very strong hint of menthol and eucalyptus it turns out it was worth it...

Score one for experimenting! Guess next time I'll have to get my PPE and safety suit out...hmm, what to blow up next...

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya...Averted a truly bad situation with being able to let the lava flow into the sink. I need to get me one of those lava proof sinks. As far as the blowing stuff up idea... I got a few ideas. BWAHAHAHAHA(EVIL LAUGH)
