Friday, January 1, 2010

Start of a new year, new decade...

Well, here we are. 2010. Day 1. A monumental year, in that it's the start of a new year, a start of a new decade, the start of the second decade of the 2000th year of our Lord...

And I'm starting a blog column.

2009 was horrible. I lost friends, relatives, money, jobs, almost lost my truck, and who knows what else. There were times I thought, "just when you think it can't get any worse..." and it did.

Well, in 2010, I'm going to try to be more optimistic. More positive. I'm doing to do my best to MAKE 2010 a better year. I've already got a good start on it. I'm in a good mood, and I feel pretty good.
Oddly, part of that is from having the Wii Fit, and using it daily. I didn't use it yesterday due to some chaos and lots of stuff to do, but I'm going to try to make time daily for it.

Do what you can to make it a better year for you, and those around you. When you wake up in the mornings, think to yourself, "it's going to be a good day." Try to keep that in your mind as you start your day, and don't let anything block you from it. While driving to work, instead of cussing that moron that cut you off, just let it go. Cussing him doesn't change the fact that he cut you off, or you're now staring at his tail lights and tag. Just keep on going. Blow his mind. Smile and wave at him as you pass him.

It's the little things we do that can make the difference, but it's harder to remember to do the little things.

Anyway, I hope you can take these words and use them to help you. Encouragement. I firmly believe success starts from within, now it's time to try to make it happen.

Until next time,


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