Sunday, June 5, 2011

What's wrong with you people!!

Wow, so last week I joined a company called Varolo. It's a FREE way to make FREE money and I'm all over it! I sent out an invite to everyone on my friend's list because I know I have friends that could definitely use some money right now, and maybe 20 out of well over 500 have signed up. I've had a lot of people ask questions, 'seem' interested, but they haven't quite made it to the sign up page...

Here's a break down of it. Varolo is an advertising company that promotes commercials for companies wanting to get their product out there. They pay individuals to watch commercials. People are tired of seeing commercials every 10 minutes on TV when they're watching a show. People change the station on the radio when commercials come on, or just listen to CD's or iPods. People HATE HATE HATE pop ups, and ads on the computer. I know, I'm one of them for all of the above.

The skinny of it...companies have major budgets for advertising, and they have to get their name out there. So now they're paying companies like Varolo to handle their advertising. These companies set up multi-marketing networks to get people to sign up and watch commercials for their sponsors.

The way this company is set up, you sign up, watch the commercials. You get paid. You get others to sign up, they watch the commercials, they get paid, and you get paid for sponsoring them. And so on and so on.

Like the starter video says, you get 12 people to sign up and watch videos. Those 12 people get 12 each to sign up, watch videos and you're all making money, the more that sign up, the more you all make!

I've got a friend named Eric who signed up under me and he made a quick website that explains it simple and easy.

Please feel free to check it out. Even a toddler could do this!

Anyway, I guess more or less I'm ranting about the people who NEED money but they're not willing to do something about it...I know I really need money, and I'm trying to do something about it! Why can't the rest of you?

If you're interested, I'd be happy to talk to you about Varolo, or you can go to and get more info for yourself. I want to make some money. How bout you?

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