More and more I'm hearing of cases when a teacher sends letters home to the parent of "your child is disruptive, he does not keep focus and attention, maybe you should have him tested for ADHD and get him on some medicine to help him." Then the parent takes the time, sets up the appointment, spends the money for the appointment, and the doctor says well yes, your child does show signs of ADHD, but not serious, and not enough for meds. He just needs to be challenged more. He's a bright child.
My thoughts on this are simply this is the way most teachers will deal with a situation, rather than getting out of their lazy comfort zone, and actually helping a child to learn, putting more of a challenge to him. There are a handful of good teachers out there that will do what they can, even make suggestions for your child and things he can do when he's not in school to help him...but for the most part, teachers HAVE become lazy, and will NOT move out of their comfort zone to help a child. My question to those, are, why are you in a teaching position if you are not in it to help the children? We have too many teachers of the young today, not just school teachers, who claim they care for the children, but they are in it more for their own personal agenda. For some, it's a paycheck. For some, it's a position of power. The chance to say, "I made a difference in that child's life"...but the difference you made, is not for the better, I can promise you that.
If you are going to be a teacher of children, do all that you can. And understand, that it doesn't take just one person to teach a child. Get as many as you can involved. Yourself, the parents, anyone that a child looks up to, is a teacher. If you can't be that teacher, then maybe you need to re-evaluate what you do...
Woo I inspired a blog post!!! I agree with you though. Especially after hearing that we are not the only parents that she has done this too.