Well, kinda. I've enjoying the bottle of Captain Morgan Lime Bites that my good friend Cat and her boyfriend for me for my birthday. Just so you know, Lime Bites ROCKS! It's great.
So yeah, not drunk by any means but felt like writing. Unfortunately I can't narrow down a topic to write upon, so no telling what's going to be posted here.
For starters, let's give an update.
As of last Tuesday, I have a job driving a forklift loading trucks at Quikrete in Homewood area. Not the best of jobs, but it's a job. It's Hot and dusty, and I now have a slight inclination of what a statue feels like when I come home and my hair and arms are slightly stiff from driving around in the concrete dust while sweating all day. Interesting. Well, not really.
As of Wednesday, (June 9..DUH) I turned 34. Yup, another year older. While I received several birthday wishes through Facebook, a few on myspace, and a few phone calls, the big fun part came on Friday with my 'not so surprise' surprise birthday party. Let's back up a bit to further understand this one.
So, my dear sweet wife of almost 11 years has tried on 4 (3 up until this one) occasions to try to throw me a surprise party. I've discovered the coup every time somehow through obviousness or stumbling upon some part of it and putting the pieces together. This year, things were a bit different. I'd made a casual statement in jest mostly that looks like my birthday would be forgotten from now on since I now have a nephew who was born on June 8, and just celebrated his 1st birthday this year. Congrats Jamie! Anyway, I've always enjoyed my birthday being June 9, because there's no holidays close to it, and nobody immediately related to me celebrates a birthday close to mine. So it's my chance every year to be celebrated without interruption. Well, she made a few remarks at my forgotten birthday and that was that. A few odd things happened here and there, such as she started making a database for Phineas and Ferb stuff, she started asking me about webcam stuff and how to store video...but I never really thought much of it more than she's enjoying her new notebook computer that I got her for Mother's Day.
So, Tuesday the 8th, I come home from work, the wife has made dinner, and I'm sitting here at my desk eating, and Little John remarks from the kitchen, "Dad, your party is going to be so awesome, but I'm not saying anything because it's a surprise, and you're not getting anything out of me!" A bit confused, I lean back, and look at him and say "what party?" As the wife walks quietly and calmly and smacks him across the back of the head (in a loving way of course) and says "IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SURPRISE YOU GOOBER!!"
So yeah. Now you know why it's called the 'not so surprise' surprise party.
HOWEVER, I told Jennifer that nobody had to know I knew, that I'd keep it a secret and act surprised. She told me that she would have to tell Frank since he was in on it too, but she wasn't going to tell me what was going on.
So we talked to Frank, I joked with him because the plan was for him to occupy me Friday evening until time for me to show up at my party.
Well, I got off work Friday, he got off work, we met up here at the house and I had to go on a mission. Major Monogram (From Phineas and Ferb, but this time played by Little John) had an urgent message of NATIONAL SECURITY for me!
Within this video there were coordinates in which I was supposed to go to...which gave me a present, and MORE coordinates to another place...which gave me another present and MORE coordinates...you get the point. After about 5 different locations AND A BAG OF ICE!!!, I was ordered to return to my home base.
There was the party, and a couple of people had arrived, some of whom I haven't seen in a while.
So we kinda waited around till everyone got there, had some pizza, the Awesome Mrs Evil Debbie (who Tessa professes she's my girlfriend) made and delivered a key lime cake for me! Yes, I shared...and it was fabulous!!
Jennifer invented a Phineas and Ferb version of Clue which was a lot of fun, and afterward we just kinda sat and hung out till everyone headed for home.
So it was a great party, and I had a lot of fun, and got some cool gifts including 2 bottles of Captain Morgan, a Christopher Moore book, a cool shirt (thanks Deisha!!) and a bayonet from WW1 I think, that belonged to my late father in law...I used to pick at him about that...and Joan gave it to me for my birthday, which meant a lot to me.
Anyway, sum it up, I had a great birthday!!
I think that's about all I'm going to write for this blog. Feel free to enjoy the video posted of "Major Monogram" giving me orders for my mission. Quite a hoot.
Until next time...
Be safe and remember to smile. It does help.
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